Copyright 2020 Dahl & Wahlen Construction Co LTD. Updates coming.... Dealing with issues AAt Dahl and Wahlen Construction, we understand the details that need to be thought out. So many times we walk into a model and can spot the mistakes(not a good thing if a model represents your best work!). In construction there are limitations but the room should not reveal what those limitations were. Picked for style & comfort  A bathroom we finished recently in Des Plaines. Custom tile, vanity, magazine storage and lighting made for a small designer bath. The home owner picked every piece of the bathroom. Bath remodel  We are specialists in bathroom renovation. At least one tub Your average home buyer is looking for at least one bathtub in a home. If your planning on selling anytime soon, think about potental buyers and what they may be looking for. Bathrooms create comfort  Every bathroom has unique challenges. We take the time to find solutions that meet the homeowners needs and look the best for resale.